Sustainable Development

Community ownership of Agnew Lane is highly compatible with furthering the achievement of sustainable development and directly supports the Council's economic, social and environmental policies. It will bring land which has long been vacant into productive use for significant benefit to the local community. 

Without community acquisition, Agnew Lane is likely to continue to lay derelict and remain a barrier to the sustainable development of this local area. 

Our proposals will further the achievement of sustainable development of the land at Agnew Lane and the community:

In Phase One by:

-Maintaining a green space for the community to continue to enjoy,

-Continuing to provide spaces for growing fresh fruit and vegetables in raised beds,

-Using organic detoxification methods to remediate Agnew Lane in order to ensure the safety of wildlife on the site and allow direct-sowing into the ground soil in future.

In Phase Two and Three by continuing the benefits above and:

-Ensuring that any building works are designed and constructed to be low impact,

-Incorporating pre-existing structures into any new construction or re-using materials,

-Using local networks to source free and recycled materials where possible for example from Glasgow Circular Arts Network,

-Reducing lengthy transportation of materials by sourcing them locally,

-Providing local economic development through training opportunities in construction projects, natural building techniques and food growing,

-Minimising the use of vergin materials such as brick, cement, metal, and plastic in construction designs,

-Sourcing funding for the installation of sustainable energy technologies such as solar panels and heat pumps to lower the development’s impact, and provide income opportunities.

In Phase Four by continuing the benefits above and:

-Fully developing the majority of Agnew Lane into a garden with a focus on a place for native plants to thrive.

-Setting aside a significant portion of Agnew Lane for native plants to persist and flourish. Plants that will not only encourage pollinators, birds, animals and insects but will also allow for a healthy environment for growing vegetables and fruit.

-Introducing trees, shrubs, native flowers, bug habitat and standing water for amphibious animals. These would in turn support and encourage the swifts, bats and other wildlife that already use Agnew Lane as a hunting ground.

In Phase Five by continuing the benefits above and:

-Encouraging a collaborative environment where multiple community orientated organisations and individuals can exist and work together,

-Producing vegetables and fruit for donation to local food banks and food points, and standing as a food point itself, where food can be harvested by those who need it most,

-Installing and maintaining a wood workshop where physical development of Agnew Lane will take place and upskilling opportunities will be offered, contributing to local economic development,

-Offering workshops in multiple disciplines as a way of educating the community about growing, wildlife, building, cooking, art, etc.,

-Producing locally sourced and organic compost that will not only be fed back into the ALL gardens, but also supply local growers in their development of growing environments outside of Agnew Lane,

-Providing a community kitchen where food can be cooked and culture can be shared,

-Engaging Govanhill youth and young people to become art activists.

Agnew Lane Ltd’s ethos is one of openness and respect for the natural world and native species that are often damaged or altogether eliminated in urban environments. We believe that as more urban land is developed, equivalent areas of land should be set aside for native species to persist. We have an obligation as urban dwellers to make our environment hospitable for plants and animals to thrive. For this reason, pursuing a community buyout of Agnew Lane is ideal and in keeping with the Council’s environmental aims and sustainable development.

ALL’s proposed development of Agnew Lane will enable and preserve natural resources and ecosystems which will in turn become platforms from which community needs are met and community growth can become possible.